
my bio


So this page is all about me and my family...  The who we are!!

As you know, my name is Kris.  I am from Melbourne, Victoria.  I have grown up here most of my life although did have a couple of brief stints interstate.  I was in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland and Sydney, New South Wales.  There are reasons I came back to Melbourne but ultimately I am a homing pidgeon and this is where I call home.

I am 30 years old (heading to 31 this year) and all in all have a pretty great life.  I have two beautiful little boys, Zachery (6) and Xavier (1) who are the apples of my eye.  My kids are a blessing and I am grateful everyday for them.  I know how lucky I am to have two amazing and healthy little boys and I could not ask for more!   I love spending quality time with my kids and cherish all the moments I have with them.   They, I guess you could say, are my world.

The last few years have seen me go through some ups and downs (emotional obsticles you could say) but I also am aware of how lucky and grateful I am to be here and to have the unconditional love of my kids!  I would like to think I am a resilient, determined and persistant person.  I always try and remind myself that there are people worse off than me!  We all have ups and downs in life and in spite of some of my experiences, I would not change a single thing.  My past has lead me to become the person I am today!! For all the experiences I have had I am grateful!

Over all I have an amazing life!   I have a wonderful family and some great friends!  I would be lost without the people in my life!  I often reflect on how brilliant and amazing these people actually are - although most of them don't see it! 

So my kids, well there is Zachery.  He is my eldest, born on 4th January 2005.  My little surprise bundle of joy.  Apart from the initial overwhelmed OMG when I found out I was expecting, our past 6 years together have been amazing.  He has made me grow as a person and I am incredibly proud of the little man he is becoming (even if he has his naughty days and moments).  He is now going into grade 1 and I wonder all the time where on earth the time has gone.  He is my gorgeous little blue eyed and blonde haired little angel! 


Then we have Xavier, well what can said about this little cheeky monkey...  Xavier was born on 31st May 2009.  Also a surprise, my little man was touch and go on making it to this point throughout my pregnancy.  There was also a lot of emotional turmoil in my life at the time due to my seperation with his father but in the end it has all worked out just fine!  (Although he is quite a demanding little poppet).  My little X Man is as cheeky as he is gorgeous!  I know how lucky am I to be his mother and the past 20 months have just gone by way to fast!  He is growing into a big boy now and talking heaps...

What more can I say about my boys other than I am so in love!
To me, my little family is the most important thing ever!!!  So there you have it.  Me, in a nut shell!

my gorgeous little family

Hope to catch you here on my blog in the future!

Big Love,
