
Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Realistic" Goals...

Another day, another thought!

Back onto this weight loss challenge I have set myself...   When I completed my personal training course (yes, I do know what is required to get me where I want to be!  I just need to deal with the demons that cause me to sabotage my efforts!) I had a lot of people ask me what is realistic?  How much weight can I lose healthily?  What should my goal weight be?  What is my healthy weight range?

There is so many different figures that people can pull out of cyber space that send them on a path of I have X amount to lose and I am never going to be able to do that.  Or end up sick trying!   The other question I got and still do get a lot is, how quickly can I lose the wieght?  What is the ideal amount to lose per week.  Some people (me included at times, want to lose 10kg in a week for a wedding or something amazingly crazy like that...  Not so realistic guys!)

I even found myself questioning "what is right for me yesterday...  So, I researched!  I prefer to work of the BMI Calculator as it will give a figure of a health Body Mass Index.   As opposed to the NUMBER on the scales!    The best one I found in my search yesterday was on Michelle Bridges Website!  It was super easy to use and fast!

Here is the link:

Once here I put in my details (current weight and height) and it calculated my BMI - eeeekkkkkk.....  There is work to do, thts for sure!  (But I knew this! )  Then, to get a healthy weight range - I used the same tool and adjusted my weight so that my BMI fell into the HEALTHY catagory.  There for I know have a goal weight range!   I am happy to report my goal was perfectly in the middle of it too!!  (See, I still do know my stuff!)

Armed with this knowledge and even more determination, once I put my kids to bed last night, I put on Jillian Michael's Cardio Kickbox workout DVD - Phew - I got through it but don't remember it being so hard!  LOL.  All in all, I am making good progress.   The road to a healthy body, mind and soul is a steady and consistent  one...  It is not about jumping on the newest fad diet and losing a heap of weight really quickly!  It is about a lifestyle you choose for yourself and your family!  I am back to making a great choice for me and mine!

So - to make myself fully accountable I am putting it all out here on my blog!

Starting Weight:  86kg (Christmas Eve)
Current Weight: 81.7
Goal Weight: 55kg.   (Healthy BMI weight range = 50 - 61kg)

Therefore I want to lose a total of:   26.7.
Minimum amount i need to lose to get into my healthy BMI range is:  21.7 (i have said 60kg for this)

This is it people!  I am finally committed to this and it is for ME!    I make this point here because it is the other thing I have learnt, and know, if you do it for others you'll have trouble maintaining it too!!  Used to see that at the gym a lot...  People working out to get the body their partner wants (unfortunately it never lasted and often leads to an unhealthy cycle and spiral (yes, i am talking from experience here!)

Cannot wait to reveal the NEW me.  I am well on my way and this journey will be amazing as I can see the new me in my mind!

Big Love,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Kris
    I hope you are going great guns with the 12WBT program.
    Give us an update? please :)

    A fellow 12WBTer
